Monday, November 10, 2008

prisoners struggle in greece

Prisoners struggle in Greece

The last days a new circle of struggle has started inside the greek prisons. from the 3rd of November 2008, though a organized and coordinated move, many prisoners in all over Greece refused as a first step, to take food from the prison service in order to achieve their demands. Their demands are collected in a list of 45 points that was send to the ministry of justice and it was announced publicly. Until now more than 8.000 prisoners signed this list. They announced that in case of the rejection of their claims they will continue their struggle with more radical ways. Today Monday 10th of November in 5 prisons of Greece 3113 people are already on hunger strike and many more will follow the next days. Due to their statements the hunger strike is the second stadium of their struggle. If the state keeps refusing their demands they threat with a massive revolt as it has happen in the past.

The situation in the greek prisons is really difficult for the prisoners. The jails are overcrowded, for example in a jail for 80 people now live more than 200, there is a continuous lack of hygiene and pharmaceutical services as many other basic needs. Also, the greek penal code is really strict and many people condemned for “petty crimes” are facing high sentences, for example the half percent of the prisoners are drug addicts who are treated by the law as dealers with sentences up to 12 years. Every prison service uses different methods to keep prisoners quite and passive. If anyone protests about something if he or she does not obey to the service’ s orders can get disciplinary charges that increase the sentences and reduce their rights or even got transferred to other prisons. This is happening very often, Against this general situation many times in the past struggles rise up. The last big one took place the spring of 2007 when the prisoners revolted in the most important jails of the country and in many cases they faced the brutal state repression.

From the first day many people from the radical movement mobilize in support of the prisoners, organizing demos, direct actions, public meetings, propaganda. Also the solidarity groups have set a communication net not only between the supporters and the prisoners but also between the prisoners themselves.

Cronicle of solidarity actions

31-10 solidarity demo with motorbikes and cars (200 people) at diavata prison,thessaloniki video

1-11 solidarity demo outside of the prison of Xania

3-11 solidarity demo outside of the prison Volos

4-11 public concetrations at city's centers, thessaloniki, Xania

6-11 solidarity demo with motorbikes and cars (300 people) at diavata prison, thessaloniki

6-11 solidarity demo with motorbikes and cars (300 people) at coridallos prison, athens

7-11 occupation of radio stations, thessaloniki,Lamia\

7-11 symbolic attack in a green ministry athens

7-11 public concetration, athens, Xania, Serres

8-11 solidarity demo, volos

10-11 solidarity open concert at city's center. Athens

Actions that are coming

11-11 solidarity demo at city' s center, thessaloniki

13-11 solidarity demo at city' s center, Athens


We the prisoners of the hell called with an euphemism: prisons of the greek state, tired with the fake promisses of all justice ministers in the last 10 years, to ameliorate prison conditions and the penal code and the penal justice code, decided to move forcefully, in order to claim our rightful demands.


1. Abolish disciplinary charges. Modify the Penitentiary Code's articles 68, 69, 70, 71. In any case, the disciplinary charges must be removed after the are served, and not accumulated nor taken into consideration when it comes to days off, work, education and discharge under conditions after they are served.

2. Reduction of the sentence limit for discharge under conditions, from 3/5 to the 3/7 of the sentence time. Immediate abolishment of the anti-constitutonal treaty that increased up to the 4/5 of crimes related to drugs.

3. Once and for all 3 year reduction of all prices, to make easier the relieve of over-crowding of prisons. NO to the new panoptic prisons, built isolated away from the cities social tissue.

4. Abolish the juuvenile prisons. Adopt open structure to take care of and protect the teenagers and youth.

5. Reduction of sentence limit of 25 years of continuous detention. Reduction of the minimum detention time to be discharged under conditions to 12 years from 16 that it is today, according to european legislature.

6. Immediate and without exceptions application of days-off, suspensions, and other benefits of the law, reduction of the minimal sentence time limits. Increase the number of days-off to 60 for those that have a right to 5 days and to 96 for those with a right to 8.

7. To end the over-use of pre-trial detentions and reduce the time limit to 12 months.

8. The para-justice racket is known for its hysteria of the last 8 years, leading to revengeful killing sentences. We as for proportionate sentences and wide application of the measure of suspension and discharge under conditions.

9. Full, permanent and 24 hour medical treatment and respect to the patients. Creation and improvement of adequate hygiene spaces (baths and toilets). Immediate integration of the Korydallos prison psychiatric and medical clinic to the National Health System, with new aisles for women and juveniles, that lack now. Immediate transportation of patients to public hospitals with ambulances and not in police vehicles, tied up with their hands behind their back.

10. To be provided the right in beneficial work payment, education, second chance schools, technical workshops and participation in diverse similar programms, to all prisoners proportionate and without any discrimination. To be given educational days-off, for all prisoners, that meet with the criteria and terms to study outside prison and for all levels of education and technical skills learning. Substancial amplification of withdrawal projects to all prisons.

11. Abolishion of the prison no-go zone. Free access for social and political institutions, Lawers Associations, Hellenic Medical Association and EINAP, organizations for human rights, NGOs and international organizations. Free circulation of political and educative press, with no exceptions.

12. Alternative forms of detention, amplification of agricultural prisons and of the institution of semi-free sentence as well as community service.

13. Amplification of the institution of free visits in humain conditions with respect to the personality and dignity of the prisoners and the visitors. Private place to meet with our companion.

14. Work and access to creative activities for all of us. Beneficial account of days of work in the sentence.

15. Right to selection of serving the sentence in their country of origin, for the prisoners from other countries, once and if they wish.

16. Humain transport conditions with improvement of the room in the preposterous transportation means of the greek police. More stops, improvement of the detention room in the miserable "Metagogon" transfer prison and faster transfer to the destination prisons.


On the occasion of the third-world life conditions inside this establishment but also our treatment by the totality of the ministry of justice services, and more precisely: Inexistant medical-pharmaceutical supply. Few, to even inexistant hygiene supply (without any right to a private purchase). Inexistant basic hygiene (no warm water). Inexistant social services and care. Preposterous food, because of luck of supplies. Even first need stuff is an unknown word here. Racist treatment of the prisoners when it comes to days-off and suspensions. Injust treatment of sentence accounts for suspension proportionate to the offence (2/5, 3/5 etc). Vast delays when it comes to bringing the case to the courthouse and especially the court of appeals. The peculiar stiffness of the persons judging us, despite the recommendations they have received. The inexistant second chance we are all waiting for and most of us have a right on it, but are never given. We decided to abstain from prison food commons from 03/11/2008 until proportionate measures are taken in regards to all the above. We expect your understanding.

the prisoners demands in german

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Why we should all be in Vichy (France) on the 3rd of november 2008

On the 3rd and 4th of November, The french presidency of the European Union sets up a summit of all 27 european ministers of Justice and Interior on the initiative of the french minister of “Immigration, Integration, and National Identity”, Brice Hortefeux. They will provocatively gather in
Vichy, the ex-capital of fascist France during World War II. There, they will solemnly discuss about the “integration” of migrant workers and the application of the famous "directive retour". We can easily imagine with what kind of heavy laugh the idea of such a provocation was born in the head of a minister – Brice Hortefeux - who is everywhere caricatured as a little nazi. Ha Ha Ha.

Here are some of the reasons why we will be in the street, in Vichy, on the 3rd of November, and why we have to be there by thousands, determined to block the summit :

1. In a time when “illegal migrants” answer to the chase they endure by setting fire to detention centers in several european countries – in France as well as in Belgium -, it is the minimal task of those who take side for them to spoil the ministers’ rally.

2. Some symbolical provocations, left without answer, pave the way for further practical defeats. They are made to demoralize those who struggle. They disarm preventively any counter-attack by making seem normal what is unbearable.

3. Through systematic provocation, the actual government intends to drive its opponents into indignation, and thus isolate them. For no one wants to join the cattle of those who just get indignant: indignation is the outcry of the disempowered, and no sound person would desire disempowerment.

4. The "directive retour" is not a "shameful directive", it’s a directive of bastard and bastards are not ashamed in these days, to the contrary they are rather proud of themselves. Bastardship is not a shame : it is to be destroyed. Any reference to morals, here, only means denying the necessity to fight.

5. When Brice Hortefeux pursues in court SOS-Sans-papiers and wants to blame the "terrorists" of RESF – Réseau Education Sans Frontière, a network of support of “illegal migrants” - for the moral responsibility of the arson against the detention center of Vincennes, when one tries to intimidate us, it is precisely then that we must give in the street a demonstration of our strength. This government does not understand any other langage. It will go on wrecking any kind of antagonism as long as antagonists will remain shy in their method .

6. Here in France, everyone feels that we cannot let this happen. But setting up a meeting about migration in Vichy is such a baffling provocation that it becomes frightful. Now is the moment to leave all fear aside, or it will drown us.

7. A mere after-lunch demo on the Sunday would not be an answer up to the provocation. It would be a demonstration of weakness. What is needed is to physically disrupt the summit, to reclaim the city on the 3rd of November, to block its access, to interrupt the “normal life” of
Vichy until the occupants go away. We can count on the fact that scenes of brutal repression in Vichy would be such a bad advertisement for our so « democratic » government.

8. Since ten years that there are counter-summits and thousands of people from France and from elsewhere have learnt from them, time has come to put in practice the tactics we have experienced, those of which we know they work, in a national context of struggle.

Let’s organise public meetings on this summit in our cities, hire buses to go to
Vichy en masse and spread information among our comrades, in our networks, our organisations, all over europe.


Meeting point : 5:00 pm in front of the Lycée Albert Londres.

(time is short, but the force is with us.)

Warum wir alle am 3. November in Vichy/ Frankreich (Treffen der Europäischen Innen- und Justizminister) sein müssen.

Auf Initiative von Brice Hortefeux (Minister der Migration, der Integration und der Nationalen Identität") versammelt die französische Präsidentschaft der Europäischen Union die 27 Europäischen Innen- und Justizminister. Sie versammeln sich in Vichy, Frankreich. Dort werden sie daran arbeiten, die Flüsse der eingewanderten Arbeitskräfte zu kontrollieren und die Anwendung der berühmten Retour Direktive aufrecht zu erhalten. Es ist nicht schwierig, sich das fette Grinsen des Ministers, der überall als Nazi karikiert wird, vorzustellen, das eine solche Provokation auslöst ( Vichy war der Sitz der faschistischen Regierung in Frankreich während des zweiten Weltkriegs, von wo aus die Deportation unzähliger Juden und Regimegegener organisiert wurde). Ha Ha Ha.

Hier ein paar Gründe, warum wir am 3. November in Vichy auf der Straße sein werden und warum wir es undenkbar finden, nicht zu Tausenden da zu sein, wild entschlossen den Gipfel zu verhindern.

1. In einer Zeit, in der die Sans-Papiers auf die Jagd, die auf sie veranstaltet wird, reagieren, in dem sie in mehreren Ländern Europas in Ausschaffungszentren Feuer legen, ist es die Aufgabe derjenigen, die sie unterstützen, im Minimum das Bankett der Minister zu stören.

2. Gewisse symbolische Provokationen, die unbeantwortet bleiben, werden zu wirklichen, praktischen Niederlagen. Sie sind gedacht, diejenigen, die kämpfen, zu demoralisieren, was sie auch tatsächlich erreichen. Sie entwaffnen präventiv jeden Gegenschlag indem sie das Untolerierbare normalisieren.

3. Durch die systematische Provokation versuchen die Herrschenden ihre Gegner in die Empörung zu treiben und von dort aus zu isolieren. Weil keine vernünftige Person sich in der blökenden Herde der Empörten wiederfinden möchte: die Empörung ist der Schrei des Unvermögens und niemand schätzt das Unvermögen, zumindest nicht unter den Vernünftigen.

4. Die Retour Direktive ist nicht eine Direktive der Schande, es ist eine Direktive der Verräter und die Kollaboration ist in dieser Epoche überhaupt nicht schändlich, sie ist im Gegenteil absolut "normal", wie man sagt. Aber die Kollaboration ist nicht schändlich, wir müssen sie zerstören. Wer hier an die Moral appelliert verzichtet darauf zu kämpfen.

5. Der Moment wo Brice Hortefeux gegen SOS-Sans-Papiers Klage einreicht, wo er die Verantwortung für den Brand im Ausschaffungszentrum Vincennes den "Terroristen" vom RESF (Réseau Éducation Sans Frontières; Nationales Netzwerk zu Unterstützung der Sans-Papiers) in die Schuhe schieben will, der Moment wo man uns einschüchtern will, das ist der Moment, wo es auf der Strasse eine Demonstration der Stärke braucht. Diese Regierung versteht keine andere Sprache. Sie wird damit fortfahren, alle diejenigen auszulöschen, die sich ihr unentschlossen entgegenstellen.

6. Auch wenn alle fühlen, dass wir ihnen eine solche riesen Schweinerei wie das Treffen in Vichy nicht durchgehen lassen dürfen, erschreckt die enorme Provokation. Es ist jetzt der Moment, alle Angst beiseite zu lassen, oder die Angst wird uns verschlingen.

7. Eine einfache "Latschdemo" wäre keine Antwort auf eine Provokation dieses Ausmasses. Sie wäre im Gegenteil eine Demonstration unseres Unvermögens. Es gilt das Abhalten dieses Kongresses physisch zu verhindern, die Stadt zu belagern, ihre Zugänge zu blockieren, sich den öffentlichen Raum an zueignen, den normalen Lauf der Dinge in Vichy zu stören solange bis die Besatzer abziehen. Wir können auf den Vorteil zählen, dass Szenen der massiven Repression in Vichy für diese "demokratische" Regierung einen sehr nachteiligen Effekt hätten.

8. Es ist jetzt der Moment, nach zehn Jahren der Gegen-Gipfel und wo tausende von Menschen in Frankreich und anderswo abgehärtet sind, die bewährten Taktiken anzuwenden, von denen wir wissen, dass sie funktionieren.

Organisiert öffentliche Treffen zum Thema in euren Städten. Reist gemeinsam und in großer Zahl nach Vichy. Lasst den Aufruf in euren Gruppen zirkulieren, redet mit euren Genossen darüber. In ganz Europa.

ALLE NACH VICHY AM 3. NOVEMBER UM 18H! Treffpunkt um 17h vor dem Lycée Albert Londres

Monday, October 20, 2008

Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008!!!

Given the short time limit, any help is greatly welcomed to spread this international call widely in and activist network and medias.

On the next November 3rd and 4th , the French presidency of the European Union will gather, upon the initiative of Brice Hortefeux, French minister of immigration, integration and national identity, the whole 27 European ministers of Interior and Justice. They will all meet in Vichy, the historic capital of the pro-Nazi regime in France during the Second World War, where deportation of the Jews, along with other “undesirable” people, was orchestrated by the government. Today, the European ministers will attempt to firmly discuss on the control on the fluxes of immigrant workers and the application of the (in)famous « return directive », that facilitates the deportation of migrants at European level.

We cannot let this provocation happen without an answer. In a time where people without a status are answering to government chases by burning retention centers at many places in Europe, it's a minimal task for those who support them to disrupt this gathering of ministers.

What's needed is to physically keep this congress from happening, by taking over the city, block access to it, seize public space, disrupt everyday life in Vichy until these occupying forces leave.

In France, various collectives and political organisations have started a mobilisation. A demonstration will happen on moday the 3rd , 18h00 in Vichy. For logistical information (travelling plans, accomodation...), please contact Keep in touch

The migratory politics are now european, so must be our answer to it !


Bloquons le sommet européen de l'immigration à Vichy les 3 et 4 novembre 2008

Les 3 et 4 novembre prochain, la présidence française de l'Union Européenne réunit, à l'initiative de Brice Hortefeux, ministre français de l'immigation et de l'identité nationale, l'ensemble des 27 ministres européens de l'Intérieur et de la Justice. Elle les réunit à Vichy, capitale du régime pro-nazi en France durant la seconde guerre mondiale, d'où s'est organisée notamment la déportation des juifs. Aujourd'hui, les ministres européens entendent s'y entretenir gravement du contrôle des flux de main d'oeuvre immigrée et de l'application de la fameuse "directive retour" (qui organise les expulsions des migrants au niveau européen).
Nous ne pouvons laisser cette provocation sans réponse. A l'heure où les sans-papiers répondent à la traque qui leur est livrée par l'incendie des centres de rétention dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, c'est la tâche minimale de ceux qui les soutiennent que de perturber le banquet des ministres.

Ce qu'il faut c'est empêcher physiquement la tenue de ce congrès, investir la ville, bloquer ses accès, s'approprier l'espace public, perturber le cours normal de la vie à Vichy jusqu'à ce que l'occupant s'en aille.

En France, des collectifs, des orgas, des groupes, commencent à organiser la mobilisation. Une manifestation aura lieu lundi 3 novembre à 18h00 à Vichy. Pour des infos logistiques (hébergement, transports…) un contact :
Les politiques migratoires sont désormais européennes, notre réponse doit l'être aussi !
(le temps est court, mais la force est avec nous.)

Bloqueemos la cumbre europea de la inmigración en Vichy (Francia), los días 3 y 4 de noviembre 2008.
Los días 3 y 4 de noviembre, la presidencia francesa de la Unión Europea reunirá por iniciativa de Brice Hortefeux, ministro francés "de la inmigración y de la identidad nacional", a los 27 ministros europeos de Interior y Justicia. Los reune en Vichy, ciudad capital del régimen pro-nazi en Francia durante la segunda Guerra Mundial. Desde Vichy se organizó entre otras cosas la deportación de los Judios. Hoy en día, los ministros europeos quieren hablar del control de los flujos de mano de obra inmigrada y de la aplicación de la afamada Directiva Retorno (directiva que organiza las expulsiones de l@s migrantes a nivel europeo).
No podemos asistir a esta provocación sin responder. En el momento en que los sin papeles reaccionan a su persecución con incendios en los centros de retención en varios paises en europa, lo menos que podemos hacer quienes les apoyamos es perturbar el banquete de l@s ministr@s.

Lo que hay que hacer es impedir fisicamente este congreso, sitiar la ciudad, bloquear sus accesos, apropiarse el espacio público, perturbar el curso normal de la vida en Vichy hasta que los ocupantes se vayan.

Hace más de diez años que se organizan contra-cumbres, y miles de personas en Francia y otros paises han participado y se han formado en ellas; va siendo hora de que apliquemos en Francia esas tácticas demostradas que sabemos efectivas.

En Francia, colectivos, organizaciones y grupos han empezado a organizar las movilizaciones. Habrá una manifestación el lunes 3 de noviembre a las 6 en Vichy. Para informaciones logísticas (transportación, sitios para dormir...), enviar un email a
Las políticas migratorias se elaboran a nivel europeo, nuestra respuesta será igual!
(hay poco tiempo, pero mucha fuerza.)

3. und 4. November: Das europäische Gipfeltreffen zur Kontrolle der Migration in Vichy verhindern

Am 3. und 4. November lädt die französische Ratspräsidentschaft und der französische Minister für Immigration und die 'Nationale Identität', Brice Hortefeux, alle 27 europäischen Innen- und Justizminister ein. Ort des Treffens ist Vichy, Hauptstadt des mit den Nationalsozialisten kollaborierenden Regimes während des zweiten Weltkriegs, von wo die Deportation der französischen Juden und Jüdinnen organisiert wurde.
Nun haben die europäischen Minister vor, sich ausgerechnet dort über die Kontrolle der Arbeitsmigration und die Durchsetzung der berüchtigten 'Rückführungsvereinbahrungen' zu verständigen. Diese Vereinbahrungen sollen den rechtlichen Rahmen auf europäischen Niveau angleichen und verschärfen sowie die Abschiebepraxis koordinieren.

Sans-Papiers antworten verstärkt mit Widerstand, der zum Beispiel auch im Anzünden von Abschiebzellen und -knästen in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern Ausdruck findet. Es mehr als angebracht, sie zu unterstützen und das Treffen der Minister zu blockieren, die Stadt einzunehmen, die Anreise zu verhindern und den Alltag der Stadt Vichy zu stören, auf dass der Besuch wieder verschwindet.

In den letzten Jahren haben wir Erfahrungen im Blockieren von Gipfeln gesammelt und Taktiken entwickelt, die wir nun versuchen werden in Vichy anzuwenden.
Die Mobilisierung fängt in Frankreich gerade erst an, verschiedene Kollektive, Organisationen und Gruppen rufen zum Demonstrieren auf. Die Migrationspolitik ist allerdings europäisch, unsere Mobilisierung soll es daher auch sein.

Mehr Infos :
Alle nach Vichy, auch wenn die Zeit kurz ist.